...my journey through the valleys and over the mountains as i learn to live with the 'new' reality of losing xavier ian. this is a place i can jot down thoughts, feelings, and things i am learning through this journey of life.

if my dreams came true...

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

since the nightmare began...

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Monday, January 31, 2011

six word memoir...

i've been reading 'our daily bread' for devotions. on saturday, january 29, 2011 the title of the devotion was 'six words from solomon'

ecclesiastes 12:13 (NIV) fear God and keep his commandments

if i were to write a six word memoir i would say
nomad, on this journey through grief

i'm sure this will change over time, but this is where i'm at right now.
what would your six word memoir be?

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